
Urban Ecology Centre


Urban Ecology Centre
789 chaussée de Waterloo
1180 Brussels
50° 47' 40.902" N, 4° 22' 24.7836" E


Vera's work



Vera currently has two jobs that link well  her passions for vegetarianism and creating ways to make things more sustainable. She cooks at the vegetarian restaurant Nakite and she designs and makes products for women and children.

Vera Martins


Vera's home Porto
41° 11' 3.7356" N, 8° 33' 26.8128" W

Vera grew up in a family with traditional values where the focus was on making your own things and using material well and with respect. She also has a connection with her neighbourhood, as she has lived in the same home for much of her life. For instance, some of her furniture comes from a local furniture maker, and her olive oil is made by a neighbour’s family.

“Besides being important, it is something that is so easy to do”

Nick Meynen


Nick's home Leuven
50° 53' 5.0424" N, 4° 44' 17.5092" E

Lucie's work


Lucie is a self-educated woman. She has gathered her knowledge and training from a number of different learning experiences, both formal and informal. She has taken several courses and has a broad work background. Until recently, Lucie worked for Trias a Belgian development organisation. Her work included development of strategic fundraising plan, on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the not for profit sector supplement and of GRI sustainability report. She was also on the board of directors of MO magazine.

Lucie Evers


Lucie's home Gent
51° 3' 14.0868" N, 3° 41' 29.0616" E

Steven Vromman


Steven's home Ghent
51° 3' 33.6636" N, 3° 45' 11.4012" E

Steven grew up in a small village in Flanders in times where everything was possible and there were no limits. In his early teens he began questioning things, and he became more and more involved in North – South issues, human rights and justice. On a trip to Bolivia, at the age of 26, he was confronted with the reality of the situation for the first time, and seeing with his own eyes the disparity, he was determined to do something about it.



Filip's home 1000 Brussels
50° 50' 48.66" N, 4° 20' 52.7172" E
Level of activity: 

Filip grew up in Veerle, a village in Belgium. Through Veerle runs a river, Grote Laak and when Filip was a child, the river was so polluted that the kids of the town were forbidden to play anywhere near it. This always struck Filip as strange. Rivers are supposed to be clean, a place for fun. The river had a great impact on him, even though he never touched it as a child.

Tom's work

Level of activity: 

Five years ago Tom started up his organic farm Het Open Veld in Leuven. He grows over 60 types of vegetables and fruits on his two hectares. He also has beautiful cherry trees, sheep for grazing and bees. The best part is that the farm is at the border of the city of Leuven, so the food production takes place very close to the people who eat the food- and it is organic, seasonal and ethically sound.


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