Sandra's home

“We could create an amazing space for a lot of people”
The house Lindsberg, situated outside of Falun was built in 1905 as a home for the poor and elderly. During and after WW2 it served as a storage for the military and in the 70’s it was bought by a group of people who wanted to test alternative ways of living. Since then, various groups of people have lived at Lindsberg. In the 80's the house was bought by Friends of Earth Sweden and it became a foundation where community living continued.  Lindsberg is where seeds of the alternative environmental and solidarity movements in Sweden were sown.

For the last decade, only a couple of people have been living at Lindsberg, and the house has been mostly neglected. That is until the spring 2012, when Sandra, Rebecka, Kinna and Pablo took over the place. The house remains a part of the foundation and the 4 of them are now on the board and responsible for its upkeep and in keeping true to the idea of sustainability, sharing and solidarity.
The house is enormous and full of old amazing furniture and machines still in use. When we visited Lindsberg last summer, we felt the magic of the place and of Sandra and her friends giving the place a new life. This is a place where change is happening.

“I grew up in a very open household. My parents were always very generous with their space and their time. Our home was always open. So for me a collective way of living is normal”

Lindsberg facebook page


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