The project was initially started by Olof Soebech, who felt she needed inspiration and real role models. After having studied and worked in the field of environment as well as the dance world, she felt she was in a bit of a rut. So many problems with our world, and so little action at political level, from companies and people. Then she realised that she actually knows people who are doing fantastic things. This was the beginning. If she personally knew a handful, there could be more of them out there. Lifted from her negative mood, she decided to leave her work at a university for a while, to search for these people. She also figured that there must be many feeling similar to her, so instead of being selfish with her journey and her discoveries she thought, why not share them with the rest of the people who could be interested?
Along the way she has been lucky in finding great people to help the project get to where it is going:
The video editor, photographer and project partner: Louise Baduel, a multi talented dancer with a great eye joined the team and made the content on the web come to life
The web programmer: Pierre Orfinger, a programmer with endless experience and way over qualified. A genius programmer who selflessly built and works on the website
The producer: Koen Fransen, the first one to pick up on the idea that this could possibly be material for a documentary, gave the first boost and has showed patience listening to ramblings.
The sound editor: Lieven Dousselaere, a musician in the band Tape Tum, and music and theatre maker, has the best ears we've ever seen. Thanks to him we can hear the videos.
The graphic designer: Nelia Van Briel, not only an artist but also a programmer who understands non-technical language made the page get a feel of home.
And of course the 30 people we have had the pleasure of interviewing in preparing for the project, who will hopefully all be willing to share their stories here
Last but not least, a bunch of friends and colleagues who have helped in ways from showing how to download Drupal, to reading over texts, to lending out equipment.... the list of help received is too long (and growing). Thank you so much:
Werner Nigg, Katja Biedenkopf, Sigrid Winkler, Vala Ósk Bergsveinsdóttir, Vincent Sennesael, Klaas Chielens, Amine Othmane, Alexandre Mazari, Peter Menke, Alda Egilsdóttir, The Hub Brussels and The Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
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