Sandra's work

Social entrepreneur, Upcycling expert, Creative project mana

Sandra studied Social Anthropology as well as Human Geography, Human Ecology and International Relations. She also spent years learning by exploring, by travelling and living in communities, testing different ways of living. She lived three years in Guatemala working with an NGO called Safe Passage, with children living on the Guatemala city garbage dump.

In Stockholm, Sandra is working with The Good Tribe, a social venture that works with developing creative strategies for municipalities and businesses to bring sustainability into the core of their work.
One of Sandra's areas of focus is working with youth. She designs lectures, concepts and workshops where youth learn to develop their own ideas on how to combine their interests with creating sustainable projects and business ideas. She also organizes courses in Upcycling – a creative method for reusing waste.

“Once I found a forum to work with sustainability and to engage youth in questions around it, it also became more clear to me how I actually want to live my life"

Then there is Lindsberg, one of her largest projects to date (at least in physical size). Lindsberg is a huge house outside of Stockholm that Sandra took over with friends in the spring 2012. The house has been a collective house since the 70’s, but for the last decade activities and maintenance has been minimal.

Sandra and her friends are busy renovating the space, making it sustainable and turning it into a place for people creating a better world. It will be a space for workshops, courses and meetings. It will also be a place for spirituality, yoga, dance and music. It will be a place where sustainable solutions are tested and implemented, for instance in ways of growing most of their own food, reducing waste, and making energy and water use circular and renewable.

“We are urban people and we feel the need to get out of the city sometimes, to breathe and ground ourselves. To feel the nature we’re actually a part of”

Finally, it will be a place where systems and processes will be tested. A place where people take the time to build a meaningful dialogue as well as relationships with themselves, other people and nature. Lindsberg is a huge project and those involved have high ambitions for having a positive impact. We spent only couple of days there, but it was enough to see and to believe that they will be successful in their endeavours and surely they will touch a lot of people on the way.

Lindsberg Facebook page

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