Carolien's Q&A

<Q: How do you do your laundry?
For laundry I use laundry soap nuts, you can get them in any bio shop. It costs the fraction of conventional detergent, and the nuts have the same effect. You put a few nuts in with your laundry, and you can reuse them a few times, if you don’t wash at too high temperature

Q: Do you have any ecological hygiene tips?
I take used coffee grounds and use them as an exfoliating scrub. It scrubs the skin and because it is a bit oily, does not dry up the skin. It is great.
I also use the crystal fresh deodorant and it lasts forever.
When I did my year without money, I had to push myself some places to the limits. In preparing, I bought for my menstruation the keeper made of natural rubber, and machine washable organic cotton panty liners. I still use those. It saves me a lot of money, and I find it much more hygienic

Q: What are some of your favourite shops?
Studio Hergebruik, it is a show space for artists from all disciplines who in some way reuse or or work with recycled material
An-Dijve is the bio shop where I had one bartering agreement during my year without money


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