Five years ago Tom started up his organic farm Het Open Veld in Leuven. He grows over 60 types of vegetables and fruits on his two hectares. He also has beautiful cherry trees, sheep for grazing and bees. The best part is that the farm is at the border of the city of Leuven, so the food production takes place very close to the people who eat the food- and it is organic, seasonal and ethically sound.
Tom’s farm is different from most. It builds around the principal of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). This means that his 240 clients subscribe at the beginning of the year and pay a fixed sum of money. Tom does most of the work himself; ploughs, sows and grows, and when the fruit’s and vegetables are ready his clients come to the farm and harvest themselves. They can also help out more if they want. Some CSA schemes deliver weekly to clients, but Tom wanted to avoid packaging and transport
This way of farming has a number of positive sides, here are just a few:
For more information- please visit Tom’s website
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