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4 Frank Frank Portela Hello my name is Frank Portela I'm 16 and I'm very interested in protecting the environnnement then I make every effort to minimize water, electricity, transport and waste especially so as I try to make others understand that if we agissont not now our future world court his loss.
3 Anonymous (not verified) sarah chatellier simple but not extreme, single mum in case of for questioning, work at home, recycling for xmas, and a looooot of details. :)
2 Anonymous (not verified) Karolina (from the IES) Karolina Dear Olof, during our holidays in Portugal we stayed in two wonderful places! One of it is run by a very friendly Belgian couple, who spend half a year in Ghent and the summer at this wonderful organic farm, do their own jams, honey and organic port wine! It is in the mountainous national park Serra da Estrela. The other place is run by a British couple, it is in a lovely place in the south near Aljezur and the people have wonderful houses and projects with the nature around and do some permculture courses. I was thinking of you as I know that you plan to go to Portugal anyway - and in case you would not go, the Belgians could be interviewed here in winter.
1 everyday Pierre Orfinger gggggggg hhhhhhh gggg


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