Stephan Kampelmann, Swen Ore and Sabri Besbes have been friends for many years. Living in Brussels, this multicultural city where there is plenty of space for creativity, they all come from different places. Stephan is German, Swen French and Sabri was born in Tunisia, but moved to Brussels when he was two. They also come from different backgrounds when it comes to field of interest. Stephan completed his PhD in economics, Swen’s background is in art and cultural administration, and Sabri studied education, psychology and pedagogy. The three of, them along with a group of people, worked together on several projects, trying to answer questions on how to facilitate change; how to get to a more collaborative and ecologically structured city. At one point, rather than researching, analysing and theorising, they decided to take action and to start experimenting. This is how the Urban Ecology Centre was started.
More about Stephan, Swen and Sabri
Special thanks to: Pierre Orfinger website developer & Nelia Van Briel graphic designer
and the Hub Brusses
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