Urban ecology Tom the farmer slideshow 3 slideshow 4 slideshow 5 slideshow 6 slideshow 7 slideshow 8 slideshow 9 slideshow 10 slideshow 13 slideshow 14 slideshow 15 slideshow 16 slideshow 17


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Follow the stories of inspiring people that live in European cities and who have found their own creative ways to lead sustainable and meaningful lives, everyday! Stay tuned, as we will regularly add new stories.  Know someone who inspires you whose story should also be told? Let us know!

Stories of everyday people

Rotterdam, Netherlands
Academic researcher
Stockholm /Lindsberg, Sweden
Social entrepreneur, Upcycling, Creative project manager
Hveragerði, Iceland
Visual artist and creator of Natturan.is
Porto, Portugal
Clothing & crafts designer
Ghent, Belgium
Not for profit marketeer
Helsinki, Finland
Documentary film maker and producer
Leuven, Belgium
Communications & journalist
Brussels, Belgium
Filip, social entrepreneur, sustainable food
Oslo, Norway
cofounder of Kompass, empowerment center for youth
Stockholm , Sweden
Refurbishing, restoring and redesigning furniture
Porto, Portugal
freegan, grassroot projects
Ghent, Belgium
writer and consultant
London, UK
Sustainability Strategist
Paris, France
Change instigator & blogger
Copenhagen, Denmark
urban mobility start-up, bicycle infrastructure
Brussels, Belgium
Collective urban space and neighbourhood center
Milan, Italy
Press & television journalist
Copenhagen, Denmark
Engineer, sustainable product design
Antwerp, Belgium
Denis Ndeloh, Primatologist & phd research on Cross River Go
Leuven, Belgium
Organic farmer
Helsinki, Finland
Architect, Komitu Architects, sustainable designs
Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Creator of Soley Organics, natural skin care
Porto, Portugal
Eco-Social activist & tour guide
Oslo, Norway
Communication consultant, permaculture, Majobo

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