everyday's blog

< Louise and I visited Nick Meynen and his family on a sunny day. Nick's stories on his journeys to Nepal, his work as a freelance journalist, activist and his work for an NGO in Brussels, his chicken in the backyard, the visit to Tom's farm... these were all very inspirational. Here is a little blog about my impression, and a teaser for the real story, coming soon!

<I met with Julian Hale, a very nice journalist here in Brussels, and he made this interview for the Brussels Tribune.
Take a look at pages 6-12. Click on image to open pdf

Finally, almost there, Lucie Evers' story is on the way, and it is well worth waiting for.
We met Lucie last week, and spent the whole day talking, and tasting her organic vegetarian french fries and goodies. Here is a short blog about her, and my impression of this fascinating woman.

Hello, and happy Friday!
As I feel a low vibe going on, both with me and people around me, I decided to do a thing I used to sometimes do a long time ago... make a bullet list of some of the things from the week that made me happy.
And if you are curious to know more about the Exhibition I went to see, here is a link to Brussels Sustainable City.
It would make my day if you'd share also a bullet or two of things from the week that made you happy!

<elephantsthe easy level, but kept crashing into poachers http://activism.greenpeace.org/eco_quest/
-  A pretty complicated game on recycling and sorting: http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/garbage-dreams/game.html

Do you know any fun games to add to this list?


Louise and I went to Paris last week to meet Shabnam Anvar and it was a fantastic day.
Here is a short blog about her, and what I learned from her.
Greetings from Berlin, where I am on a 4 day holiday. Shabnam's story will be on the website at the end of next week, so come back. Register to the website (top of the site) to get an email notification when her story goes on the web!

 Googling around, after a friend sent me a video on Gunter Pauli, I found this short video on blue economy. And interesting concept! What do you think?

Hey, it's me again, with my second video blog.
The last week has been great, and I am amazed to find out how many people are doing great things, as our journey goes on looking for inspiration.
A small update on the website, we have a new story coming up of Steven Vromman, the low impact man. It will be ready in just a few days.
To get regular updates, jon our facebook page or contact us to let us know you would like an email notification. mailing list option coming soon.


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