Steven's work

writer and consultant


Steven has many years experience of working for North-South related and environmental NGOs. Before he started his Low Impact Man project, he was working as a director of Ecolife, an NGO in Leuven that focuses on ecological footprint calculations and on offering tools and coaching.
When the Low Impact year finished, Steven realised that he had plenty to do as the 'Low Impact Man', and it became his new profession. Steven works on the ]various projects. He wrote a book on his experiences of sustainable living with practical advice, and then co-wrote a children’s book on the same topic. He has worked as an adviser for a hospital and a music festival, both trying to become more sustainable. He also gives regular talks all over Belgium (his schedule).
So his work is very versatile and he is working with such different groups of people. Another interesting project he is currently working on is a theatre piece, an eco comedy that will be premiered in October 2011
“I try to find different ways to bring to the broader public the message that we can have a better life with less, ant that it is better for the planet and social equity”


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