We've had a great sunny day so far. We spent the day with Petri Luukkainen.
As Petri is a documentary maker himself, we got some extra eyes for the filming and some tips and help.
Petri told us about his film "My Stuff" that came out just over a month ago and he told us about his journey, where he put EVERYTHING he owns in storage to test what stuff he needs and how much of it. He was looking for more meaning in his life, and was bothered by the overflow of stuff in his apartment. Petri didn't wait for the solutions or answers to come to him, he went all the way and did something about it. We think Petri is pretty cool.
After spending a few hours picking Petri's brain, hearing his story and feeding our bodies with inspiration, we went for food. A delicious falafel made with organic chick peas, probably not a local Finnish dish, but still very yummy.
Now for a glass of wine...
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