More Generosity (and bikes) on our last day in Copenhagen

We visited the HUB Copenhagen on our last day here. It's a collaborative coworking space where Anders, Simon and Eimantas are members.

The HUB Copenhagen is a part of this amazing global network. It is a collaborative co-working and connecting space for social entrepreneurs and people who want to be a part of creating solutions...

So we spent some time, talking to people and filming around

At the HUB Copenhagen, we met Solla, an Icelandic lady working at the HUB, and she welcomed us with warmth and showed us around the space

And when she heard our story of finding 2 bikes and then one breaking down on us right away yesterday, she immediately offered to borrow her bike to us for the day. She just handed us the keys and said "take it, it is better for it to be used during the day rahter than staying parked while I work." So generous and friendly and lovely!!!

We spent the rest of our day biking around, feeling very much like locals... although we could not resist doing also the tourist thing and visiting Den lille havfrue and posing with her

We will miss the city, the people we met and "our" bikes!!!!

... next stop Reykjavik!!!



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