3rd day on "tour" interviewing everyday heroes, today we met Simon and Eimantas. Two entrepreneurs determined to assist European (or even outside of Europe) cities to get the Copenhagen bike experience.
They have a start up called Bikway. They came up with an easy solution of really innovative bicycle path that can be put on top of existing infrastructure - and also taken off. In this way, cities are improved and made more livable and bike friendly in a flexible way. As there is often resistance to change and solutions for cities need to be tested, this "movable" bikepath makes it easier for decision makers to test and participate in getting the city closer to the bike paradise (that Copenhagen is). And of course they use sustainable materials.
We went with Simon and Eimantas to the park and got to listen to their stories and enjoyed filming them as they played around. We really have the best job!
Playing with a prototype... it's easy and fun to put together!
Louise got a ride in Simon's bike...
On the way from the park, we found a bundle of bikes that were about to be thrown away. And we have been looking to rent bikes here! So Eimantas helped us select 2 bikes from the bundle, and took us to a place with a pump and even pumped the bikes for us and adjusted the seat like a true gentleman. Yup, this was just a perfect way to end our lovely day of interviews...
Our new leftover bikes were wonderful..
Except Olof's bike was maybe a bit on the older side and the flat back tire was too far gone to save.
But Louise's bike is in fine shape
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