Maiken studied Cultural Geography which gave her a strong background in looking at people, nature and consciousness. For years she has worked with her
company Splint. Splint is a consulting company started by Maiken’s sister 10 years ago. They will go into companies and combine theatre with leadership training. Through participatory and creative processes they help develop solutions to give training, raise awareness and solve problems to improve working environments.

]A couple of years ago, Maiken developed an interest in the field of growing food, and building connections between people in order to share and learn. After finishing studies in permaculture, Maiken teamed up with 2 other women and they started
Majobo, mat og jord, der du bor. Majobo addresses questions such as: How can we connect the green and the social? How can we create green meeting places in the city? Where can we grow food in the city?
Many people are already making food on their balconies, roofs, in their gardens and in allotments, but they are often doing this in isolation. The Majobo network connects these people online and offline, creating a space for exchanges and the sharing of good and bad practices. Even more importantly, the network enables more people to start themselves with growing food. Within the Majobo project, events and workshops are also organised to give practical training on issues relating to urban agriculture in a sustainable way.
Finally, leading by example, the

Majobo project is working on several pilot projects. The group already has started growing end experimenting in 3 different locations: MAJOBO Telhusbakken, an allotment from the city. MAJOBO Ankerløkka, a small plot in the middle of a public area, and MAJOBOs kitchen garden on the roof of the ALNA Senter shopping centre . The gardens are tended by the different Majobo partners, and serves also as space for social projects. Working with youth as well as the general public.
The Majobo network is increasingly visible in the city of Oslo, with it’s gardens and community events showing the people in Oslo that it is possible, fun and fulfilling to be a part of a team and to grow food in the city. Majobo has even become a part of a government programme called Future Cities.